Learn with mytechnotalent Free Course

This is my simple notes to learn using mytechnotalent free course for Reverse Engineering

You can learn more about this free course in his Github

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Thank you for your great course!

Lesson 1 : Goals

You can read more in here or in here

  • Malware analysis is the understanding and examination of information necessary to respond to a network intrusion.

  • Host-based signatures are also referred to as indicators which can identify files created or edited by the infected code which can make hidden changes to a computers registry.

  • Network signatures are used to find malicious code by examining network traffic.

  • Upon identification of these aforementioned signatures, the next step is to identify what the malware is actually doing.


Lesson 2 : Techniques

You can read more in here or in here

  • Static analysis uses software tools to examine the executable without looking at the actual decompiled instructions in Assembly.

  • Dynamic analysis uses disassemblers and debuggers to analyze malware binaries.

  • Disassembler will convert an executable binary written in Assembly, C, C++, etc into Assembly Language instructions that you can debug and manipulate.

Lesson 3 : Types of Malwares

You can read more in here or in here

  • Backdoor is malicious code that embeds itself into a computer to allow a remote attacker access with very little or sometimes no authority to execute various commands on any respective local computer.

  • Botnet allows an attacker access to a system however receive instructions not from one remote attacker but from a command-and-control server to which can control an unlimited amount of computers at the same time.

  • Downloader is nothing more than malicious code that has only one purpose which is to install other malicious software and frequently installed when a hacker gains access to a system initially

  • Rootkit which hides the existence of itself and additional malware from the user which makes it extremely hard to locate.

    • can manipulate processes such as hiding their IP in an IP scan so that a user may never know that they have a direct socket to a botnet or other remote computer

  • Scareware is used to trick a user into purchasing additional software to falsely protect a user when there is no real threat whatsoever that exists.

  • Worm or Virus which copies itself and goes after other computers.

Lesson 4 : x86 Assembly Intro

You can read more in here or in here

  • x86 Assembly Language is a family of backward-compatible Assembly Languages which provide compatibility back to the Intel 8000 series of microprocessors.

    • used to produce object code for the aforementioned series of processors

    • uses mnemonics to represent the instructions that the CPU can execute.

  • Assembly Language for the x86 microprocessor works in conjunction with various operating systems

  • Linux runs on a variety of hardware and is capable of running devices such as a cell phone, personal computer or a complex commercial server.

  • The AT&T syntax was dominant in the Unix world since the OS was developed at AT&T Bell Labs.

  • Intel syntax was originally used for the documentation of the x86 platform and was dominant in the MS-DOS and Windows environments.

Lesson 5 : Binary Number System

You can read more in here or in here

  • Binary numbers are what define the core of a computer.

  • A bit within a computer is either on or off.

  • In decimal, base 10

    • number 15 which means (1 x 10) + (5 x 1) = 15 therefore the 5 is the number times 1 and the 1 is that number times 10.

  • Binary works in a similar fashion however we are now referring to base 2. That same number in binary is 1111.

  • Binary numbers are important because using them instead of the decimal system simplifies the design of computers and related technologies

To be continue..... (Last Update : 27 December 2020)


Last updated